Best of This Blog

best of blog

With over 700 posts, the Humor That Works Blog is a vast resource covering all sorts of humor topics. But it can also be a bit overwhelming; new readers aren’t sure where to start or what to focus on. Well, new readers should definitely start with the Getting Started Guide, but after that, it’s choose-your-own-adventure.

But if you want some insight from the author, I decided to share some of my favorite posts from the last 7+ years of writing about humor at work.

#1. Funny Work Jokes

Who doesn’t like a good one-liner? That was my thought with this collection of work jokes. Yes, there are plenty of posts on this blog that cover the benefits of humor or how to use it, but sometimes all you need is a laugh or 101.

Read 101 Funny Work Jokes to Get You Through the Day

2. The Best Teambuilding Exercise

Some of my posts are dedicated to teaching you how to do a very specific humor activity with the hopes that it helps you get started using humor by sharing all the details you need to repeat something I already know works. My favorite such exercise turns your peers into zombies.

Read Zombie Tag – A Teambuilding Exercise

3. The Power of Improv

I’m a huge proponent of applied improvisation and truly believe that improv can (and will) change the world. One post in particular wraps some of the wonderful life perspective that improv can provide into a nice list of ten.

Read 10 Life Tips from Improv Class

4. A Proper News Story

I’ve shared a number of personal updates over the years, all with the goal of keeping you abreast of what was going on behind-the-scenes of the company. No post was more meaningful than reflecting on my decision to leave my corporate job to pursue this project of humor at work.

Read 3 Year Anniversary of Leaving P&G

5. My Most Popular Post According to Google

The goal of the blog has always been to provide practical resources to various challenges. As an introvert, one challenge I ran into was creating engaging conversation with peers and coworkers, so I created a list of questions I could use to avoid terrible small talk. It turns out other people were looking for the same thing because this is my most popular post based on Google search traffic.

Read 50 Questions to Get to Know Someone

6. An Ancillary Skill

Humor That Works has never been exclusively about humor; it’s always been about being more effective. It just turns out that humor is one of the keys to being effective, even on personal tasks like learning how to wake up in the morning.

Read How to Stop Hitting Snooze

7. A Post to Prove My Mom Wrong

Inspiration can come from all sorts of places, including the radio / iTunes / Spotify. It’s why I decided to create an entire database of office humor–to curate inspiration into one spot. One of my favorite collections is that inspirational hip hop lyrics. Growing up, my mom was never a fan of me listening to rap (she didn’t like the lyrical content) but I realized that there’s a lot of positivity in the hip hop, so I wrote a post to prove her wrong.

Read 12 Inspirational Lyrics from Hip Hop

8. One of the Best Business Books

Reading has always been a great way to clarify my own thinking and ideas, particularly around humor at work. Periodically, I take the time to share what I’ve learned from what I’ve read. Peter F Drucker is one of those people who has taught me a great deal from his writings. His book, The Effective Executive is perhaps the first truly life-changing non-fiction book I ever read. So I shared some of the most important lessons from the book.

Read 12 Effectiveness Lessons from The Effective Executive

9. One of the Best Fiction Books

I think you can learn just as much from fiction as you can from non-fiction, and I set out to prove it by sharing some of the greatest wisdom from one of my favorite books and one of the most successful graphic novels of all time: The Watchmen.

Read Life Lessons from The Watchmen

10. A Post that Makes Me Smile

Building off the idea of getting inspiration from unlikely places, I found a site dedicated to creating inspirational picture quotes using prompts, error messages, and readouts from machines. It’s fantastic.

Read Unintentionally Profound Life Advice from Machines


what is your humor persona?

Humor is a skill that can be learned. And when used correctly, it is a superpower that can be your greatest asset for building a happier, healthier and more productive life.  See for yourself...

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