21 Best Handshakes inspired by Handshake UCSD


The handshake dates back to at least the 5th Century BC, and it has evolved a lot nowadays with sports and TV.  Baseball, basketball, and football players often have their own ‘secret’ handshakes, often inspired by specific college handshakes like the handshake ucsd.

Here are 21 of the best handshakes to spark some creativity.

1. Prince Fielder and Miguel Cabrera

Just when you though the handshake was done… there’s more.

secret handshake fielder cabrera

2. David Price and Rays’ Teammates

Secret handshakes down the line!

secret handshake price team

3. Johan Santana and Mets’ Teammates

Johan Santana supposedly has secret handshakes with all of his teammates. The “encore” is my favorite.

secret handshake johan santana

4. Tony Thomas and Brady Thomas

Handshake? Patty cake? Both?

secret handshakes fsu baseball

5. UC Irvine Baseball Players

It’s a combination of Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter. Plus a high-five at the end.

secret handshake uc irvine baseball

6. Monta Ellis and Some Guy in a Coat

It’s like a normal handshake, but cooler.

secret handshake monta ellis

7. LeBron James and Mario Chalmers

Not even someone walking through can interrupt this handshake.

secret handshake james williams

8. Jeremy Lin and Landry Fields

Spectacles and reading a book–what else would you expect from the handshake of two ivy league grads?

secret handshake lin landry

9. JR Smith and Play-by-Play Announcer

The fact that the announcer gets in on a handshake is pretty sweet.

secret handshake jr smith

10. EMU Basketball Team

I like the robot into the frolicy jump in this handshake.

secret handshake emu

11. Melvin Ingram and Roger Goodell

Simple, but impressive to have one with the football commissioner.

secret handshake ingram goodell

12. Knowshon Moreno and Quinton Carter

I love the fake jump into a secret handshake.

secret handshake moreno carter

13. Jonathan Stewart and DeAngelo Williams

They never actually shake hands… but it is hilarious.

secret handshake williams stewart

14. University of Hawaii Football

I believe this started with Missouri, but Hawaii celebrates with a rather simple handshake. Yep, just a handshake.

secret handshake hawaii football

15. Matt Duchene and Paul Statsny

You don’t see too many hockey handshakes, but this one involves dancing and almost falling down.

secret handshake colorado avalanche

16. Robinson Cano and SportsCenter Staff

Secret handshakes bring a little excitement into the office (though may also spread colds).

secret handshakes sportscenter

17. Fresh Prince and DJ Jazzy Jeff from Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

It’s simple but I grew up with this handshake.

secret handshake fresh prince jazzy jeff

18. Cory and Shawn from Boy Meets World

Also from my childhood but there’s a lot more involved in this handshake.

secret handshake boy meets world

19. Turk and Elliot from Scrubs

Every good handshake involves a little running man.

secret handshake from scrubs

20. Homer Simpson and Stonecutter Guy from The Simpson’s

The best part is wearing the same shirt.

secret handshake homer simpson

21. Troy and Abed from Community

It’s simple but effective. Also the clay versions of them do it as well.

secret handshake troy abed

Bonus: Gordon and Barajas of the LA Dodgers handshake

I saw this one after the original post but it’s too good not to include.


Got your own favorite secret handshake? Leave it in the comments.


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6 thoughts on “21 Best Handshakes inspired by Handshake UCSD”

  1. me and my friend rub hands
    like just rub and then after 8 counts of rubbing hands we use our middle finger to rub the palm of eachothers hand
    we repeat this process twice
    it is called the Bootdaddy

    1. My favorite is the one that Peter Parker and his friend Ned does. I don’t remember which one it was,mbut I remember being super impressed

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