501 Ways Book
Welcome to the list of sources from Humor That Works: 501 Ways to Use Humor to Beat Stress, Increase Productivity, and Have Fun at Work.
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Here are all of the links from the book, in alphabetical order:
- A Breath of Relief. Gerbarg, Patricia L and Richard P Brown. “Yoga: A breath of relief for Hurricane Katrina refugees,” Current Psychiatry, Vol 4, 2005. [pg 232] (URL)
- Ambient awareness. “Ambient awareness,” Wikipedia.org, Retrieved JUL 2012. [pg 106] (URL)
- Ambient Noise and Creative Cognition. Mehta, Ravi and Rui Zhu. “Is Noise Always Bad? Exploring the Effects of Ambient Noise on Creative Cognition,” Journal of Consumer Research, Vol 39, DEC 2012. [pg 131] (URL)
- Americans Stressed. Traynor, Kate. “80% of Americans Feel Stressed,” American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, 2003. [pg 223] (URL)
- Blink. Gladwell, Malcolm. Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking. Back Bay Books, 2007. [pg 142] (URL)
- Bodies Exhibition. From Bodies: The Exhibition Exhibit in New York, Retreived SEP 2011. [pg 207] (URL)
- Brain Rules. Medina, John. Brain Rules: 12 Principles for Surviving and Thriving at Work, at Home, and School. Pear Press, 2009. [pg 33] (URL)
- Brave New World of Digital Intimacy. Thompson, Clive. “Brave New World of Digital Intimacy,” The New York Times, SEP 2008. [pg 106] (URL)
- Breathe Deep. “Breathe deep to lower blood pressure,” Associated Press, JUL 2006. [pg 232] (URL)
- Breathing Deeply. “How breathing deeply can reduce pain,” Mail Online, dailymail.co.uk, Retrieved SEP 2012. [pg 232] (URL)
- Calories Burned During Exercise. “Calories Burned During Exercise,” nutristrategy.com, Retrieved SEP 2011. [pg 234] (URL)
- Coping with Distractions. Cohen, Yaacov. “Coping with Distractions: 6 Ways You Can Boost Your Productivity,” Forbes.com, Retrieved JUN 2012. [pg 181] (URL)
- Creative pause. Moll, Cameron. “Why thinking in the shower may be an ideal model for ‘creative pause’” CameronMoll.com, Retrieved OCT 2012. [pg 132] (URL)
- Deep Breathing for Back Pain. Ng, Nick. “Deep-Breathing Exercises for Back Pain,” Livestrong.com, Retrieved SEP 2012. [pg 232] (URL)
- Definition of Amusement. “amusement,” Dictionary.com, Retrieved FEB 21, 2010. [pg 2] (URL)
- Definition of Communication. “communication,” Dictionary.com. Retrieved FEB 21, 2010 [pg 13] (URL)
- Definition of Humor. “humor,” Dictionary.com, Retrieved FEB 21, 2010. [pg 2] (URL)
- Definition of Relationships. “relationship,” Dictionary.com, Retrieved FEB 21, 2010 [pg 61] (URL)
- Diversity and Creativity. McLeod, Poppy L. and Sharon A Lobel. “Ethnic Diversity and Creativity in Small Groups,” Small Group Research, Vol 27, 1996 [pg 126] (URL)
- Energy Expenditure of Genuine Laughter. Buchowski, Maciej. “Energy Expenditure of Genuine Laughter,” International Journal of Obesity, 2005. [pg 234] (URL)
- Feelings and Predictions. Katz, Joseph M and Michel Tuan Pham. “Feeling the Future: The Emotional Oracle Effect,” Journal of Consumer Research, OCT 2012. [pg 142] (URL)
- Haiku in English. “Haiku in English,” Wikipedia.org, Retrieved SEP 2012. [pg 53] (URL)
- How Much Wood. “How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?” Answers, wiki.answers.com, Retrieved OCT 2012. [pg 206] (URL)
- Humor and Performance. Breeze, L and A Dawson.”Humor in the Workplace: Anecdotal Evidence Suggests Connection to Employee Performance,” Perspectives in Business, St Edwards University, 2004 [pg 163] (URL)
- Humor Benefits: Anti-Stress. Toffelmire, Amy. “Ha! Laughing is Good for You!” Canoe.ca, Retrieved APR 2009. [pgs 6, 223] (URL)
- Humor Benefits: Be Happy. Valliant, George E. Aging Well. Little, Brown & Company, 2002. [pg 7] (URL)
- Humor Benefits: Be in Control. Craumer, Martha. “Getting Serious About Workplace Humor,” Harvard Communication Letter, JUL 2002. [pg 7] (URL)
- Humor Benefits: Builds Trust. Vartabedian, RA and Laurel Klinger Vartabedian. “Humor in the Workplace: A Communication Challenge,” presented at the Speech Communication Association, Miami, Florida, NOV, 1993. [pg 7] (URL)
- Humor Benefits: Burn Calories. Griffin, R Morgan. “Give Your Body a Boost,” WebMD.com, Retrieved AUG 27, 2011. [pg 6] (URL)
- Humor Benefits: Do Better Job. Bannister, Steve. “Making Sense of Humour in the Workplace,” Enterprise Magazine, NOV 2006. [pg 7] (URL)
- Humor Benefits: Higher Intelligence. Hauck, William E. “The Relationship of Humor to Intelligence, Creativity, and Intentional and Incidental Learning,” The Journal of Experimental Education, Summer 1972. [pg 6] (URL)
- Humor Benefits: Improves Brainpower. McMaster, Robyn. “A Dash of Humor Ups Performance and Creativity at Work,” Brain Based Biz, SEP 2008. [pg 6] (URL)
- Humor Benefits: Improves Retention. Garner, Randy. “Humor, Analogy, and Metaphor: H.A.M. it up in Teaching,” Radical Pedagogy, 2005. [pgs 6, 41] (URL)
- Humor Benefits: Increase Efficiency. Abramis, David. “All Work and No Play Isn’t Even Good for Work,” Psychology Today, MAR 1989. [pg 6] (URL)
- Humor Benefits: Increase Opportunities. Buhler, Patricia. “Wanted: Humor in the Workplace,” Supervision, Vol 52, 1991. [pg 7] (URL)
- Humor Benefits: Increases Creativity. Isen, Alice M. “Positive affect facilitates creative problem solving,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1987. [pgs 6, 125] (URL)
- Humor Benefits: Make More Money. Robert, Christopher. “The Case for Developing New Research on Humor and Culture in Organizations,” Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management, Vol 26, 2007 [pg 7] (URL)
- Humor Benefits: Prevent Heart Disease. Seiler, Bill. “Laughter Helps Blood Vessels,” University of Maryland Medical Center, MAR 2005. [pg 6] (URL)
- Humor in the Workplace. Cronin, R. “Humor in the Workplace.” Study by Hodge-Cronin and Associates, 1997. [pg 4]
- Iconoclast. Berns, Gregory. Iconoclast: A Neuroscientist Reveals How to Think Differently. Harvard Business Review Press, 2010. [pg 131] (URL)
- Insist Employees Take Naps. Schwartz, Tony. “Why Companies Should Insist That Employees Take Naps,” HBR Blog Network, SEP, 2010. [pg 240] (URL)
- Introduction to Problem Solving. Harris, Robert. “Introduction to Problem Solving,” VirtualSalt. JUL 1998. [pg 111] (URL)
- Inuit Culture. “The Inuit Way: A Guide to Inuit Culture,” Produced by Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada, 2006. [pg 222] (URL)
- Laugh Yourself Skinny. “Go Ahead -- Laugh Yourself Skinny,” Daily News Central, dailynewscentral.com, Retrieved SEP 2011. [pg 234] (URL)
- Laughing All the Way to the Bank. Sala, Fabio. “Laughing All the Way to the Bank,” Harvard Business Review, SEP 2003. [pg 113] (URL)
- Laughing All the Way to the Bedroom. Greengross, Gil. “Laughing All the Way to the Bedroom,” Psychology Today, May 1, 2011. [pg 5] (URL)
- Let the Good Times Roll. Stauffer, David. “Let the Good Times Roll: Building a Fun Culture,” Harvard Management Update, OCT 1998. [pg 62] (URL)
- Massage. Field, Tiffany and Gail Ironson. “Massage therapy reduces anxiety and enhances EEG pattern of alertness and math computations.” International Journal of Neuroscience, Vol 86, SEP 1996. [pg 236] (URL)
- Master the Silent Language. Borg, James. Body Language: 7 Easy Lessons to Master the Silent Language. FT Press, 2010. [pg 22] (URL)
- McLuhan. “Tetrad of media effects,” Wikipedia.org, Retrieved SEP 2012. [pg 155] (URL)
- Music and Productivity. Iwanaga, Makota. “Subjective and Physiological Responses to Music Stimuli,” Journal of Music Therapy, XXXVI, 1996 [pg 197] (URL)
- Neural responses to giving. Harbaugh, William T. and Ulrich Mayr. “Neural responses to taxation and voluntary giving reveal motives for charitable donations,” Science, 316, 2007. [pg 80] (URL)
- Nibblers and Gorgers. Southgate, D A. “Nibblers, gorgers, snackers, and grazers,” British Medical Journal, Volume 300, JAN 1990. [pg 238] (URL)
- Office Ergonomics. “Office ergonomics: Your how-to guide,” The Mayo Clinic, mayoclinic.com, Retrieved SEP 2012. [pg 193] (URL)
- Optimal Philanthropy for Human Beings. Muehlhauser, Luke. “Optimal Philanthropy for Human Beings,” LessWrong.com, Retreived JUL 2012. [pg 80] (URL)
- Parkinson’s Law. Parkinson, C Northcote. “Parkinson’s Law,” The Economist, NOV 1955. [pg 162] (URL)
- Performance Anxiety. Jacobs, Tom. “Performance Anxiety? Take a Deep Breath.” Pacific Standard Magazine, OCT 2012. [pg 232] (URL)
- Problem solving. “Problem solving,” Wikipedia.org, Retrieved AUG 2012. [pg 111] (URL)
- Proprietary Eponyms. “Generic trademark,” Wikipedia.org, Retrieved OCT 2012. [pg 152] (URL)
- Prosocial spending and well-being. Aknin, Lara B. and Christopher P Barrington-Leigh. “Prosocial spending and well-being,” NBER Working Paper 16415, 2010. [pg 80] (URL)
- Pursuing sustained happiness. Lyubomirsky, Sonja and Chris. “Pursuing sustained happiness through random acts of kindness and counting one’s blessings,” Department of Psychology, University of California, 2004. [pg 80]
- Secret of Employee Recognition. Bersin, Josh. “New Research Unlocks the Secret of Employee Recognition,” Forbes.com, Retrieved SEP 2012. [pg 78] (URL)
- Simply Smiling. Stromberg, Joseph. “Simply Smiling Can Actually Reduce Stress,” Smithsonian Magazine, JUL 2012. [pg 250] (URL)
- Sitting All Day is Killing You. Johnson, Dave. “Why sitting all day is killing you,” CBS News, cbsnews.com, Retrieved SEP 2012. [pg 235] (URL)
- Smile and Put Warmth into your Phone Calls. “Smile and Put Warmth Into Your Phone Calls,” HP Newsroom, Retrieved JUN 2012. [pg 21] (URL)
- Snap Decisions. McKendrick, Joe. “’Snap’ decisions may be just as effective as well-informed decisions,” Smartplanet.com, Retrieved SEP 2012. [pg 142] (URL)
- Space Invaders. “Space Invaders,” Wikipedia.org, Retrieved OCT 2012. [pg 140] (URL)
- Statistics on New Year’s Resolutions. Norcross, John C and Marci S Myrkalo. “Auld Lang Syne: Success predictors, change processes, and self-reported outcomes of New Year’s resolvers and nonresolvers.” Journal of Clinical Psychology, Vol 58, 2002. [pg 177] (URL)
- Stressed in America. Clay, RA. “Stressed in America,” American Psychological Association, Vol 42, JAN 2011. [pg 212] (URL)
- Teamwork and Job Satisfaction. Kalisch, Beatrice J. and Hyunhwa Lee. “Nursing staff teamwork and job satisfaction,” Journal of Nursing Management, Vol 18, 2010. [pg 91] (URL)
- The Effective Executive. Drucker, Peter F. The Effective Executive. HarperBusiness, 2006. [pg 187] (URL)
- The Importance of Community. APS Healthcare. “The Importance of Community.” Washington.edu, Retrieved JUN 2012. [pg 81] (URL)
- The Man Behind the Vacuum Cleaner. Varrasi, John. “The Man Behind the Vacuum Cleaner,” ASME KnowledgeBase, DEC 2011. [pg 127] (URL)
- The Protégé Effect. Paul, Annie Murphy. “The Protégé Effect,” Time Ideas, NOV 2011. [pg 186] (URL)
- The Story Behind Service with a Smile. Johnson, Hazel-Anne. “The story behind service with a smile.” Graduate School Theses and Disserations, University of South Florida, JUN 2004. [pg 21] (URL)
- Unique Origins. “The Unique Origins of 25 Popular Products,” BusinessPundit.com, Retrieved SEP 2012. [pg 152] (URL)
- Using the Brain. Haederle, Michael. “Exercising the Body, Using the Brain May Ward Off Alzheimer’s Disease,” AARP Bulletin, FEB 2012. [pg 241] (URL)
- WMSD Prevention. “Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders (WMSDs) Prevention,” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, cdc.gov, Retrieved OCT 2012. [pg 193] (URL)
- Write It Down. “Write It Down: Note-Taking Effectiveness and the Digital Classroom Revolution,” Course Hero, Retrieved JUL 2012. [pgs 44, 50] (URL)
I would be remiss if I didn’t also mention a few other “sources:”
- Various humorists/speakers/authors who have shared countless humor tips over the years, including: Joel Goodman, Mike Kerr, Kat Koppett, Patricia Ryan Madson, and many more.
- Groups and organizations who have taught me countless improv exercises, including: ComedySportz, the Applied Improv Network, Smarty Pants, and quite a few others.
- Readers of Humor That Works who offer ideas and anecdotes of their own, including: Angela, Noreen, Mary Kay, Tony, Jamie, Bradley, Palmo, David, Monica, and Joel.
- Websites where I find humor inspiration and funny videos, pictures, and text that keep me laughing (and sometimes from working), including: reddit.com, cracked.com, fark.com, theonion.com, thedailyshow.com, colbertnation.com, and a ton of others.
- And finally, friends, family members, teachers, coaches, and audiences who have helped shape this sense of humor of mine.